Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Here comes Summer!

Memorial day is the "unofficial" start of summer. 
For us it means the pool opens...which we took full advantage of on Sunday when it got into the 90's. The days left in school are single digit now.
Soccer games start tonight. 
The fun list has been posted on the fridge, with things like:
  • swimming at the pool
  • going to the beach
  • having playmates and sleep overs topping the list
Our list isn't too long, there is room left for surprises.
I am looking forward to the slow lazy days of doing whatever we want...
although there is a sadness to this years summer, Daddy won't be part of it like he was last year. Rob was let go from his job just after Memorial day weekend, last year. This summer he is working, thankfully. He got a temporary position that could turn into something permanent. We are crossing our fingers, but like with anything, it is God's plan. We are continuously in awe of Him and how he has been working in our lives this past year alone. 
The silver lining is that Rob has Fridays off, and if it doesn't turn into a permanent job, it will be something to add to his resume.
Until then we will be soaking up sun and fun together!

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything works out well for your family and that you enjoy your summer very much! =)


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