Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Warriors

We had a very busying weekend That started with a bang on Friday.
School is coming to an end for this year and Friday was Field Day.
The kids each participated in several events.
Roo did the baton relay and 3 legged race.

 Butter also ran the baton relay and did the water balloon toss, which they were out after the first toss, because she's afraid to catch things! :0)

When the boys weren't in an event this is what they were doing...always having their hands on each other. Noogies, hugs, high fives...7 year old boys are worse then girls when it comes to keeping their hands to themselves!

Here Butter is in her third event the hoops. She made 4 baskets, got hit in the face twice, when 5 grade boys chucked her the ball when see wasn't ready...never cried or flinched. So proud.

If it had happened at home there would have been wailing and gnashing of teeth...oh and huge crocodile tears.
Lastly it was the tug of war contest between classes.

Can you find Roo? (that is Rob in the hot pink shirt...oh lala)
Yep, that is little Roo in the back, last...he's gonna be the anchor!
And they lost. I think because Mrs. K got stuck with a bunch of shirmpys in her class. HA!
Butter's class won, Mrs. H hasn't lost yet...hmmmm.
The kids got to have an overnight with Nana & Papa. Rob and I took the opportunity to have a date.
We drove over to White Bear Lake and had dinner on the patio of Rudy's Redeye Grill.
The patio was gorgeous, and packed! We were told the wait was an hour and a half. No biggy, we'd wait. I found a bar stool and plopped us next to a small table that some young girls were at, their cups empty, their plates off to the side...any minute they'd be done. We waited and waited, until finally the waitress brought them the check, we asked ever so nicely if we could have their table. Why yes, we could. I gently stood, taking position to scooch into the closest girls seat, while Rob stood off to the side to let the girls pass, just then a lady came out of nowhere and tried to steal the table...She tried telling us that she'd been there longer then us...oh, no, Rob had just ordered a second beer when she and her friend walked in! Just then our buzzer went off for a table. (the bar tall tables were first come first serve) I kindly let them have the bar table. When we got to the hostess stand she tells us:
"There is a party of 5 sitting at a party of 8 table, they said you could join them if you'd like?"
I had to think about this for 2 seconds. No.
I told the girl I just gave up a bar table to now have to share? No. We would wait. I also pointed out that there was a table that a woman was sitting at alone and had been the entire time we were there which was now 40 minutes. She wasn't ordering...
We waited another 10 minutes and finally got a table. We were seated by the party of 5 at the table for 8...there was only 2 people at that table! We ordered drinks, and an appi. Brushetta, one of my favorites. I was completely disappointed. They used onions to "fill" the tomatoes. Making it look like there was a lot of tomatoes, but really half was onions; they also drizzled it with balsamic vinegar...the flavors were not good at all. We ordered Cajun Shrimp pasta. It was the blandest thing I've ever tasted and that is coming from a girl who doesn't like a lot of spice!
We were mid way through our meal when single ladies date showed up, and table of 5 finally got their other 3...
I enjoyed the time spent with Hubby, but this was a dud of a place and the food...was extremely underwhelming!
We went over to Cup and Cone for dessert. YUM!

Saturday I got to see my spiritual hero live: Joyce Meyers was in town and boy oh boy was it fantastic!!! She is so gifted and the teaching she gave was just what I needed to hear!
Before she taught, she came out and prayed over us. I was moved to tears.
I went with the mom of one of Nina's friends. The past few weeks we've gotten closer, It has been very nice. We met up with two other women and we are now discussing going to St. Louis in the fall for Joyce's woman's conference.
Rob had to work at Summit, which he volunteers at once a month to give tours at the brewery...he is paid in beer. He loves this! I am slowly becoming a fan our a few of their beers, although I really am not a beer drinker.
The kids went to an airshow with Nana & Papa so Rob and I headed to church. It was another brilliant message...which I needed after Friday night's patio debacle! ;0)

Sunday we volunteered to walk in the Grand ol' Day parade with Summit.

We held signs, while Rob passed out buttons. It was funny to hear the parents yell "Where are the samples!!!" When normally it's the kids yelling "Candy!!!!"
The route was 2 &1/2 miles, with some hills. It was grueling on my feet.
The sun was gorgeous, perfect temps, but my feet suck!
I hate bunions. I have had surgery on my right foot 12 years ago, and it has no better, if not worse in terms of walking around on...I'm not sure more surgery will help...genetics!

Nordy, our NHL hockey teams mascot. Roo was so funny, he would not get near him and did his thing; where he puts is hand up to his eye like he's trying to look at the sun...Nordy did get him to give nugs.
Butter on the other hand, well you can see for yourself!

I would have hugged him too, but Rob was ready to find the Summit group!
It was a wonderful morning of seeing old acquaintances. I was the party pooper and wanted to go home. My feet had had it.
It took us 40 minutes to get out of downtown. With the shuttles not running and road construction it was a nightmare! We had to stop off half way home for lunch.

I'll tell you what, this weekend we were all warriors!
Hope that you all had a wonderful weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome weekend!!!

    Crazy restaurants! I'm like you -- I am NOT a fan of sharing a table. I don't even like the Hibachi places where they sit you together. I'm there with people I like for a reason -- I want to talk to THEM. I don't necessarily want to talk to other people, lol!!


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