Tuesday, October 7, 2014

31 days of...forgetting!

I am not even surprised or embarrassed that I slagged off on the 31 days of writing.
Weekends around here are jam packed with togetherness! Hubs works 2 jobs mostly weeknights, so we prioritize our weekends with family time.
Is it me or is this autumn season speeding along like an out of control roller coaster??
Today is one of my most favorite days of all the days of the year!!
14 years ago I met Rob and instead of spilling beer on him, like I wanted, or giving him my number. He aced a test by showing up where I said I'd be later, if he truly wanted to "see me again". 
It's our Met-You-versary. 
If I could have had our wedding day on this day I totally would have...but it didn't work out that way. 
Still my favorite day of the year! (Besides the birthdays of my kiddos and the actual day I became Mrs. Robert Cox)

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