Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh, it's SO on!

I am SO glad many of you are going to be brave and do the Bedhead for Starbucks and of course BRAGGING rights!

With that said I must take a day or two off from blogging and reading...the computer is acting strange and Hubby needs to look at it. He told me "Stay off the blogs!" He thinks we're under attack and he needs to update the virus control thingy. I told him He has two days! I will NOT be kept from my peeps!


  1. think we need to combine the bed head carnival w/ the eye see what you're saying. wouldn't that be a hoot!

    hurry up hubby!

  2. You know, if you guys had a Mac the whole virus thing wouldn't be a problem...

    Just sayin'. :)

  3. And I am SO in on the bedhead carnival - and I'm totally stealing Sarah's tactic on going to bed with my hair wet. I'm disclaiming now that I bear no responsibility for broken computer monitors resulting from the hideousness of my bedhead. End disclaimer.

  4. Good luck with the computer. This bed head thing is going to be HILARIOUS!

  5. I think you have the winner right there! My hair is too fine (as in texture) to ever have much nastiness going on...

  6. I love this. Too cute!!

  7. AHHHHH! Now this will take some bravery...but it sounds like fun...hmmmm. I think I'm in...I think... :)

  8. I should have taken a picture of myself this was bad, real bad.

  9. I don't know what this is about, but I'm off to check it out.

  10. alright...its been 2 days...where's sara? we love and miss her!!

  11. I miss your posts...I hope your hubby hurries with the computer fixin'!
    Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas!


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