Sunday, March 1, 2009

Are you READY????

Have you got your PERFECT Ballad picked for Mix Tape Monday Ballad edition?

I've got mine, video and all!

Not MY video, although that would be interesting...hmmmm.

I've had a wonderful weekend.

But I'll post about that after Monday, because Monday is tomorrow and I want you all to get your, never had the chance to love you, only want to say I love you... ballad ready to crank and cry over.

DJ SASS out!


  1. You're too funny. I'm going to try to join in. I had "committed" to another meme/carnival thingy for this date, but I'm going to try to do BOTH. ooooooh :)

  2. You're a GENUIS Woman! Can't wait to join in tomorrow. Just a hunch, MTM could rival WFMW!

    Blessings, Carolynn

  3. oh ho ho..i'm ready! in fact i can't wait any longer, i just might put er up tonight!

  4. Don't have a ballad, but I did post my entire running playlist. Does that count?


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"Make it Known"