Sunday, February 2, 2014

5 Bananas.

It is not every day a 76 year old father asks his almost 40 year old daughter to sit on his lap. Last night my Pabbi did.

 He was acting out of sorts, if you have read this blog long, you know that I haven't had much of a relationship with my parents, especially with my dad. I lost track of the times he spoke the words every child longs to hear. "I love you."
I must have asked several people that know my dad; "Is he dying? What's going on?" Everyone of them laughed, even my sister, who knows all too well how "off" he was acting. He hit the dance floor and acted have his age. I love seeing that! (Not is a gross old man way, if that's what you are he is a good dancer.)
He spent time actually talking to me. (Though it was mostly one sided, but that isn't unusual)
He seemed happy to have us around and made sure we were having fun.

In other news; if I buy 4 bananas at the store they all get eaten, I usually never get one.
If I buy 5 bananas I end up having to eat all of them or throw them out because they got too yellow.
I know it's a random post, but hey, I'm still processing last night!
HaPpY Sunday!


  1. How precious about your dad, and how true about those dern bananas.

  2. Ps. My word verification to comment was "family."

  3. So glad that happened and that you have that memory. =)

  4. What a nice memory, funny and silly at the same time and those are really the best ones :)
    Regarding those leftover old bananas.. slice them down and freeze them, gorgeous for drinks or even just banana icecream! xx


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