Monday, June 2, 2014

Spring update.

Last time I wrote was February. I spoke of my Dad, and how he had acted weird...
Not long after that he called with news that his third wife asked for a divorce. What I will say about it; I never got a good feeling from her. Looking back it all could have been avoided by slowing down & taking a good look the history of a person. 'Nough said. This weekend he takes a big step towards moving on. Go Daddy!
I talked about bananas. Doctor says I need to eat one a day. So bananas in the HOUSSSSSSE!

I have not said much about what has been going on in life. In my younger years you would have heard every detail. This time I set out to take it all up with God. There were days I was talking his ear off He heard me cuss, rant, kick, scream, whisper and plead. And I did my best to keep my mouth closed & not loose my lid.
I will tell you I have seen pettiness at another level. I have experienced anxiety in a whole new light. The light that comes from the peace of God when we hand over our troubles. That doesn't mean those troubles go away or fade. It means that while you see the wind blowing all around you stirring up dust, you stand in the middle still as can be looking up so that you can see only Him and not the storm around you. Because if you look into the storm the fear comes in, if you look to the light you have peace.
I tend to want to watch the storm, I tend to want to control things, and when I can't I'd rather rant about why, and how I'D do it "better". Ha! Silly, I know.
For the past year our landlords have tried to evict us. They put the house on the market and we went through showings. 6 months of them. We were told in December that the deal that would have allowed us to finish our lease "fell through" and they would no longer be trying to find someone willing to take that over. (We still had 7 months on our lease at that point)
I was "told" that I would no longer be "allowed" to be home during showings, because the owners didn't like that I was telling the people we had a lease that ran through July 2014 or that there was a murder in the home. (Which we were not told of until AFTER we signed a 3 year lease.)
A new buyer was found and we were told we had to be out March 31.
Advice came to us not to say anything, pay the rent.
We did. And when The middle of March came and they tried to make arrangements with us on a move out schedule we told them that in order for them to inact the tenant authorization sheet that cohoerced us to sign, they needed to provide us with a copy of the purchase order. Which they in fact did not.
I won't lie and say it wasn't satisfying.  They came back saying they would be talking to their lawyer. At which point they were forced to give us a copy, and 90 more days, which brought us to June. They were also forced to tell the seller he couldn't have the property before June, when he was told it would be vacant March 31.
We received a call from the new buyer who wanted to meet with us and were relieved to hear we could finish out our lease. July 31!
I tell you all this, because every step of the way God was there. I clung to his word so very tightly. Things were not perfect, and not without grief, but Our Father got us through it and is still working it through for His glory!
Here is where things are right now; June 10 is the earliest we can write an offer, we are hoping our next home wil be revealed to us soon so we can close and MOVE IN before the end of July.
We are wanting to stay IN our current district and if it's not asking too much IN our current neighborhood so Nick can finish at his elementary school.
Now that you are up to speed, here is what is happening; kids are in their FINAL week of school!
Nina starts middle school next year! Lord, help us! We saw her try her hardest in a district wide track and field day! So exciting to watch.  This week they dissect a cows eyeball. She is both excited & freaked about it. I'm just grossed out, but will do my best not to vomit when she tells me about it!  She has begun babysitting her brother. Oh the freedom!
Nick found out that 3rd grade is a bit more work then he was used to in 1st and 2nd and has risen
marvelously to the challenge! He is obsessed with video games, either iPad or Xbox. It will be a challenge this summer I'm sure. Momma gonna come up with some chores!
Rob is working super hard, the company he works for keeps growing which is SO good! He also has a second job where he gets chat it up about his favorite subject beer! Hopefully once we are settle he can cut back his hours. I am hoping God will point me in a direction for work once school starts again. Although being a stay at home Mom is still my main job, it would be a nice change of pace to feel like I'm making a difference in the world rather then just in our family. :0)
Summer is nearly here and I can't wait for the laid back days until we have to pack, move and UNpack. Everybody knows what a J.O.B. it is moving, so lazy days at the beach or pool will be well spent!

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